Clinical Notes – Editions and Logs

There have been a few important changes in the way the Clinical Notes are managed and displayed in Praktika.
There is a setting in Management -> Practice Details -> General that allows to extend the grace period of note editing. The default setting is still 24 hrs, however, it can be set to a different value or the time restriction can be removed entirely.

There are two displayed dates in the new interface: Date the Note was created and the Date when it was last modified.
The previous versions of the Note can be displayed by clicking the “Edited” tab at the bottom right of the Note. The interface will show all the previously saved versions of the Note with the indication of the time of edition as well as the author who save the version.

When printing (exporting) the notes, you can choose to include the edited versions or print only the final variant

The interface is introduced to better comply with the “Guidelines on Dental Records” from the Dental Board of Australia