September 2012 Updates

Since the last ADA Exhibition we have developed and released a few new features and fixes.
First of all we have completely rewritten the Praktika printing engine – we made it a lot more flexible and robust. Now it allows to change the page size, its orientation and margins without affecting the integrity of the printed data. This is a very important step in the future release of Praktika Documents utility.
There is another enhancement into the security and fraud prevention: a special user permission allowing to export patient data and do a mail merge. Management -> Practice Staff -> Permissions
Important addition to the Appointment Book – we have introduced a customisable setting that allows providers work in several resources (surgeries) at the same time.
A new report that lists all the communication with patients (including the messages body) for any requested period of time. It is especially convenient for practices who use SMS for their confirmations or recalls.
Fee Schedules have received an option to round the bulk changed fees to the nearest dollar.
In the Appointment Discount(%) adjustment is now calculating the discount percent from the balance, not from the appointment value (a highly requested feature).