Changes to Restorative Screen

We listen to you and that helps us improve Praktika. In the week following the ADX12 we have implemented a few new features which were requested by you.
First, we have redesigned the Restorative Charting screen.
1. It has a new layout – the oral cavity section was moved closer to the shortcut buttons and it was made larger
2. The charting is saved automatically every time you jump to another tooth, thus reducing the risk of the entered data to get lost
3. Now you can quickly select tooth surfaces with keyboard keys – (“O” – occlusal, “I” – incisor), “D” – distal, (“B” – buccal, “F” – frontal), “M”- mescal, “L” – labial
4. You can instantly switch between teeth with forward and backward key buttons.
We are also developing an optional full screen version of the Restorative Charting to be even more convenient to work with.