Conversions from other Dental Practice Management Packages

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We have been kept very busy recently with converting data from other Dental Practice Management Packages into Praktika for our new customers.  More and more established practices convert to Praktika, and we are very happy to see that. We have converted from Dental 4 Windows, OASIS, Dentrix, EXACT, Practice Works and others. In most of the cases we were able to get almost all the data without any losses.

The problems with conversions arise normally with the existing data integrity. Most of the people do not realise that the data they keep may be corrupted, e.g. payments without dates, extractions without teeth numbers, appointments without providers, wrongly formatted telephone numbers, dates, etc.  When it comes to mapping such data to Praktika we face challenges of trying to guess what might be the correct format or link.  In one conversion from a popular PMS package, for example, we came across more than 5000 treatment procedures without any reference to patients and providers.

One of the strongest sides of Praktika is the constant 24/7 monitoring of your data integrity. We dig and reveal any inconsistencies that may occur in your data records and ask for your authorisation to fix them. Duplicate patients, erroneous transactions, conflicting record entries just to name a few.
