Data Conversion from another software
General Information on Conversions

We can convert your existing electronic data and place it into Praktika. Our Conversion Engineers have performed numerous data conversions. We have converted from the most popular dental software packages as well as from the ones that are less frequently used.

The conversion process takes about 2 weeks on the average to complete. Sometimes it is done quicker, sometimes it is significantly longer. The duration generally depends on the amount of the original data as well as on the way the original data is stored and structured. We can only provide a rough estimate on the length of the conversion process during the Evaluation Stage (Stage 1).

Patient images, X-rays, scanned documents and attachments also form part of the conversion. Due to a high volume of data transfers, we perform files conversions separately from data conversions. The files conversions require Stages 1 to 6 to be repeated.

The charge for the conversion depends on its complexity. Although, we tend to charge a flat fee for the conversions, the fee may still vary in some difficult cases. Please contact us for your conversion estimate and quote.

Stage 1: Evaluation and Data Extraction
  • Customer to provide Remote Access to their database server via TeamViewer (
  • Customer to provide Administrator Level Access for Praktika's Conversion Engineers to be able to extract and download the data.
Process: Our Conversion Engineers remotely login to the Customer's Database, take a snapshot of the data (extract) and download it. At this stage we can roughly estimate how much data can be converted over and how long it will take.

Note: If you already have your data in CSV (comma separated values) files, this stage is not necessary. In this case, you can supply your data on a USB Memory Stick, Portable Hard Drive or other agreed upon media.

Stage 2: Initial Data Conversion
  • Customer to provide advice and guidance to Praktika's Conversion Engineers in regard to the data conversion
  • In some cases we may need to repeat Stage 1 and download additional snapshots of the data.
Process: Praktika Engineers create conversions scripts to be applied to the downloaded data. Once the scripts are ready and are applied, the resulting converted data is uploaded to Praktika's Test Servers for checking by Customer.

Note: Some data may not be fully compatible with Praktika's database structure and thus cannot be converted. We aim at preserving as much data as technically possible, but the conversion ratio varies from software package to package.

Stage 3: Conversion Quality Check
  • Customer to check the converted data on Praktika Test Server and provide feedback to Praktika Conversion Engineers on all found errors and inconsistencies
Process: Customer is provided with login details to Praktika Test Server. Customer checks the quality of the converted data and provides feedback to Praktika Conversion Engineers. The Engineers correct the conversion scripts to reflect the Customer instructions and feedback, and re-upload the converted data to the Test Server. The process continues until the quality of the converted data becomes acceptable by Customer.

Note: This is the longest stage of the data conversion. It may take from several days to several weeks before the conversion reaches the acceptable level.

Stage 4: Final Conversion Quality Check
  • Customer to perform the final conversion data check.
  • If the check is successful, Customer to sign off the data conversion
Process: Praktika Conversion Engineers perform the final data conversion based upon the latest data snapshot and upload the data to Praktika's Test Server.

Note: This is the last stage where changes to the converted data can still be made. If the final conversion quality check fails the sign off, the Stages 1 to 4 may have to be repeated.

Stage 5: Final Data Snapshot
  • Customer to provide Remote Access to their database server via TeamViewer (
  • Customer to provide Administrator Level Access for Praktika's Conversion Engineers to be able to extract and download the data.
Process: Praktika Conversion Engineers take the final data snapshot for the final conversion. At this stage all conversion scripts must already be corrected and ready for the final application.

Note: It is expected that the Customer won't enter any more data into the original database, since any further changes after the final data snapshot will not be included in the conversion.

Stage 6: Transfer of Data to Production Server
  • There are no Customer actions required
Process: Praktika Conversion Engineers copy (transfer) the fully converted and signed off data to the Production Servers. The data is ready to be used.

Note: This Stage is an overnight procedure and usually is scheduled for a nominated weekend, so that the Practice could go live and start using Praktika from the following Monday.